Annecy canyoning and canyoneering

Annecy canyoning and canyoneering

Canyoning, canyoneering, canyons and waterfalls around Annecy

canyoning in Annecy

Canyoneering and canyoning around Lake Annecy with the canyons and waterfalls of Angon, Montmin and Frontenex. These canyons are among the most beautiful in Haute-Savoie. They are between Annecyhis sources and Albertville and not far from Les Saisies the Val d’Arly and the resorts of Savoie Mont-Blanc.

Annecy canyoning and canyoneering with different levels

Different levels of
Annecy canyoning

Near Annecy, we offer 3 canyoning and canyoneering descents classified as “discovery”. The descent of the Frontenex canyon and the lower sections of the Angon and Montmin canyons. We also offer 2 canyoning descents classified as “very challenging”. The Angon canyon and his waterfall and Montmin canyon, both in the long version with their upper and lower parts of the canyon.

Annecy canyoning and canyoneering classification

Canyoning classification

Our classification of very challenging canyon and discovery canyon takes into account the more or less technical and more or less obligatory obstacles encountered in each canyon. We also take into account walking before, during and after the canyon. Our classification also takes into account the canyon’s commitment and exit possibilities. It also takes account of the cold in the length and time spent in the canyon. The water level remains a criteria depending on the season and the weather.

Annecy canyoning : very challenging canyon

Annecy canyoning
very challenging

* Very challenging canyon : the combination of high and low sections parts of the Angon and Montmin canyons make for more technical and sporty outings, with more walking on the Angon waterfall.

Annecy canyoning : discovery canyon

Annecy canyoning

* discovery canyon : The Frontenex canyon and the lower sections of the Angon and Montmin canyons offer shorter, less technical and less challenging discovery outings.

Odyssey Canyon : Annecy canyoning and canyoneering videos

Canyoning videos
Odyssey Canyon

So, don’t forget to watch our canyoning videos in Annecy. On our video channel, you’ll find all the canyoning descents we offer. You’ll also find the Angon canyon and the Montmin canyon, in the very challenging version or the discovery version, as well as the video of the Frontenex canyon in Haute-Savoie.




Canyoning outdoor activity

First of all, canyoning is an outdoor sporting activity with no need for a boat. It involves walking, swimming and crossing obstacles in different ways, either by jumping, sliding, abseiling. It is therefore essential to know how to swim.

Secondly, the approach, descent and return times are given as a guide only, and may vary according to weather conditions, how often the canyon is used and the level of the group.

Please note that canyoning is not recommended for people who are sensitive to vertigo or have weak backs. So please, don’t force anyone to come. It is OBLIGATORY to inform us of any physical or mental handicap when you make your reservation, just as it is required to inform the guide before your departure in canyon.

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