Canyoning booking

Booking canyoning Savoie Mont Blanc Annecy

Booking Canyoning

To booking a canyoning or water hiking trip in Annecy Savoie Mont Blanc, you first need to contact us. You can reach us by phone or e-mail. This way, you can book canyoning between Annecy, Albertville, Moutiers and Bourg Saint Maurice.

You can call Emmanuelle on 0033.630.682.762. She is also on call 7/7 from 8am to 8pm. On the other hand, if you use a number outside the European Union, you can also contact us on WhatsApp. However, we only use the mobile version. So let’s not waste our time with endless messages. In the end, a good explanation over the phone is much quicker and more effective.
You can also book your Annecy Savoie Mont Blanc canyoning trip online. Simply send us an e-mail to You can also send us a message using the form below.

Reservation for an adapted canyoning trip

Adapted canyoning

To help you make the right choice, we offer a range of outings at different levels. There’s very challenging canyoning in the Angon canyon and Montmin canyon in Annecy. There’s also discovery canyoning with the Angon canyon, Montmin canyon and Frontenex canyon in Annecy. Finally, there’s family canyoning at the Eau Rousse canyon at La Léchère in Savoie. Last but not least, there’s even an aquatic hiking. So, when booking your canyoning trip, remember that the success of your outing depends first and foremost on your choice of canyon. Choose the canyon that’s best suited to you and, above all, the people you’re with. So don’t hesitate to talk to Emmanuelle. Not only does she know her job inside out, she also knows all the canyons.

Canyoning booking confirmation

Booking confirmed

Once you’ve made your choice, confirm your Savoie Mont Blanc Annecy canyoning booking. All you need to do is give Emmanuelle your name, telephone number, height and weight. And don’t forget to give her your shoe size if you decide to take a pair of canyoning shoes. Beware of those who don’t book in advance. Only shoes booked with Emmanuelle will be available. We never take all our stock with us. Emmanuelle will then send you confirmation by text message. You’ll find the time and place of the appointment along with a GPS point. You’ll then have confirmation of your canyoning booking.

For your Savoie Mont Blanc Annecy canyoning reservation, you can also contact us by e-mail :

Send us your message

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